
2 Ekim 2016 Pazar

The Unanswered Questions of Poisoned Afghan Schoolgirls

When I got the opportunity to class that day I saw that every one of the understudies remaining around the yard. They appeared to be scared and anxious. I solicited one from my companions in the event that she realized what was going on. "The young ladies at the school close us have been harmed. We are reluctant to go inside the structures as our water or classes may have been polluted too," she said. "The way that the other school had an occurrence doesn't imply that others will too," I advised her. "Yes, however the Taliban have been disseminating letter around the town and cautioning families against sending their little girls to class.
" A couple of minutes after the fact our schoolmates' folks came to gather them and we as a whole returned home. For a considerable lot of the young ladies in our country region of Sar-e-Pul, that was the latest day of school. afghanistan-80087_960_720 The understudies who returned additionally never got answers about what had happened and why. We didn't know whether whatever remains of the nation and the world had gotten to be mindful of this episode in our city. This is not the first run through a suspicious occurrence like this has kept young ladies' training. In Takhar, Balkh, Herat, Ghazni and different regions young ladies' school have been shut down briefly or even for all time after understudies asserted to be harmed, yet close to nothing has been done to address the worries of the understudies and their families. There are clashing reports about what is making young ladies fell sick in schools. The Ministry of Education has asserted that either mass insanity or unclean classrooms are the cause while the Ministry of Interior cases young ladies are assaulted by the Taliban and other psychological oppressor bunches who contradict ladies' instruction. The discussion was confounded significantly more when in 2013, a report by the World Health Organization asserted that there was no verification of tainting in the schools they went by and the young ladies who claim who to have been harmed are experiencing insanity and injury. A prior report by WHO had affirmed the presence of a poisonous gas subsequent to testing the blood of young ladies who were sick. Why the disagreement? Neither one of the reports has been made accessible to Afghans and the groups of the young ladies who confronted the injury. In the event that the Ministry of Education and the WHO are right and young ladies resembles those in my neighborhood were not harmed but rather are sick on account of mental weights, why haven't we done anything to address that injury? Why do we let these sicknesses to proceed to frequent and hurt young ladies? What's more, the WHO report did exclude every one of the occurrences of harming but rather a couple. Is it true that it isn't conceivable that the many episodes around the nation are not brought about by the same thing? On the off chance that the Ministry of Education's case about absence of sanitation at schools is right, why aren't these occurrences as basic young men's schools? Are young men's schools more clean? On the off chance that yes, why? Does young ladies' wellbeing and security not make any difference? What I saw at the school close to my home negates the cases by authorities. Young ladies in my general vicinity experienced skin issues, for example, blazing and tingling in their grasp and feet—the body parts not secured by their school regalia. The specialists in our general vicinity let us know that the understudies were given hostile to hypersensitive medicine as they were hinting at sensitivity to poisons. None of the young ladies in our general vicinity were met by a universal association or the legislature. Our inquiries were never replied. Our feelings of dread have not left. The absence of responsibility of national and global authorities who urge us to go to schools however don't give security, or even replies, is unsatisfactory. The way that there isn't sufficient examination to show what happened to a great many young ladies in this nation is recounting a more extensive societal issue also. Afghan young ladies hazard their lives to go to schools and our families chance their notoriety and security by supporting our entitlement to instruction however when we are assaulted, nobody remains by us. Assaults on our schools and wellbeing are seen as ordinary and rejected as madness. In the event that we are the eventual fate of Afghanistan, aren't our lives worth ensuring? Hadisa Osmani is a medicinal understudy in North Afghanistan and a customary donor to Free Women Writers.

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